Sunday 20 May 2012

How Important is Your Health?

Good health is man’s most precious possession. The broad concept of good health identifies health not only as a key element of individual welfare and happiness, but also as a key element in a broader societal context – for social cohesion, productivity and economic sustainability. You also need to maintain the balance of good health.
Physical Health
Health concerns both physical and emotional well-being. Being physically healthy means that your body is functioning as it should, without pain, discomfort or lack of capabilities. Physical health means free of any kind of disease or ill health. Causes of physical ill health are injuries, disease, diet, stress and genetics. Poor hygiene can also result in illness or skin ailments.
Mental Health
Being emotionally or mentally healthy means that your mind and emotions are functioning as they should. Your mind should be without anxiety, depression or other malfunctions. Causes of mental ill health include physical disease, stress, genetics and mental abuse. Continuous work pressures and mental burden at work place affect your emotional well-being. Also, sometimes, mental illness is caused by bio-chemical changes in your body.
Total Health
A healthy mind in a healthy body is what makes life worth living. And the two things, good health and a sound mind, always go together. Without a healthy body, a man can neither think great thoughts nor perform great acts. Having lot of mental pressures but physically healthy, does not sound good. Being healthy means that both your body and mind function as they are supposed to.
It is important that you are both physically and emotionally healthy. You can’t do a good job, if you don’t feel well. Being healthy makes you feel good and allows you to perform more effectively. You can maintain your health by taking care of yourself and avoiding toxic situations.
Health is Wealth
Having good health is important and beneficial in every aspect. Health is a necessity, but ill health can prevent you from doing what you want in an effective manner. Good health is necessary to work effectively. You can’t do well if you don’t feel well. Your health condition has great effect on your performance and efficiency. Being healthy helps you perform well in all your jobs and be highly efficient.
Emotional well-being is also important to lead a happy life. Suffering stress, depression, anxiety or other mental and emotional ailments causes loss to you in several aspects. If you want to lead a happy and satisfactory life, it is important to be emotionally healthy.
Do you want to be able to enjoy all aspects of your life and to live a long, productive and enjoyable life? Then, good health is the only solution. Being healthy also allows you gain knowledge and skills, do excellent work, be valuable and helpful to others, and be honorable to those with whom you deal.
Maintain good health. Stay better for whole life.
So, you see good health gives us complete control over ourselves. We only realize the importance of health once it has gone. Sadly, it’s too late by that time. We cannot do anything about it, even if want to. Therefore, let’s make a resolution to lead a healthy life and reap the benefits in our old age. All it takes is just a few changes in your lifestyle, regular exercise regime and a balanced diet. If you treat your body well, it will definitely assist you later in your life. And, it’s quite simpler than you think, if you ask us!!!

Wonders Of Acai Berry

By now, you’ve undoubtedly heard the raving reviews of Acai Berry. Acai is a berry that originated from Brazil and is currently available in almost all health stores. It has been featured on several top television programs (Oprah and Today Show to name two) and in many top health and fitness magazines. Its high content of antioxidants and polyphenols has propelled it into the media as the ultimate health supplement.
The top 9 benefits that are claimed by the health industry are…
  1. Weight loss One of the most desirable benefits of Acai Berry supplements weight loss.
  2. Increases Energy Our active lifestyles leave us drained of energy. Many of us don’t get enough sleep, and we walk around all day like zombies. This creates serious long-term medical conditions. Thankfully, Acai Berry helps improve your overall energy.
  3. Improves Blood Flow Poor circulation can lead to numerous medical conditions (clotting, balding, and heart issues.) Acai Berry supplements work to improve your blood flow, thus staving off many serious ailments. Improved circulation makes you feel better and live longer.
  4. Healthier Skin The berry contains many unique properties that work to make your skin look and feel younger.
  5. Stronger Heart Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in America. From lack of exercise to poor dietary habits, our hearts endure a lot of stress.
  6. Better Concentration Another of the seemingly endless benefits of Acai Berry is the improved mental clarity it produces.
  7. Reduced Cholesterol When you think of lowering your cholesterol, you probably recall images of eating healthy foods that taste terrible. Acai Berry supplements save you the trouble of eating tasteless oats. This berry will lower your cholesterol significantly over time.
  8. Detoxifies Body Acai Berry contains several antioxidants that work to eliminate harmful substances from your body. Throughout our life, our body absorbs many damaging substances. Acai Berry works to eradicate them, and to make your immune system stronger than ever before.
  9. Enhances Sexual Performance Higher oxygen to certain body areas will help support a better, more satisfying love life.

Saturday 5 May 2012

Want to Burn Fat?

How To Burn Fat and Stay Healthy

  1. Avoid fad diets. There’s no magic bullet when it comes to weight gain. In particular, avoid diets that eliminate any one food group; you should be consuming carbohydrates, protein, and fat at every meal to stay balanced.
  2. Remember that fat is not as important as calories for controlling weight. To lose weight, you must burn more calories than you consume. It’s as simple as that. The reason we’re taught to be wary of fatty foods is that they tend to have high calories; however, this often causes us to eliminate healthy fatty foods, like avocados, oils, and salmon, from our diet unnecessarily. Just make sure you’re eating healthy monounsaturated and poly-unsaturated fats instead of saturated and trans fat 
  3. Strength train. This means lifting weights at home or in the gym for at least 30 minutes at a time twice a week. Muscle helps speed your metabolism, as the bodies of muscular people burn more calories even while they’re at rest.
  4. Cut down on processed foods. Stick with all-natural foods, which have little added preservatives and chemicals. If you can’t find it in nature, think twice before you eat it.
  5. Do cardio exercise. For example, interval training, which means alternating between low- and high-intensity activity, is a quick and extremely effective way to improve heart health and endurance. Note that anyone over the age of 60 or who has heart disease, high blood pressure, or arthritis should consult a doctor before attempting interval training.
  6. Carefully consider eating more frequently. Instead of having 3 square meals a day, many go for 6 micro meals to sustain their energy and steady their blood-sugar levels while on a low-calorie diet. There is, however, a tendency for people to justify turning “micro meals” into junk food sessions; research has indicated that people often consume not just more calories, but emptier ones when taking the snacking approach. Know yourself well enough to make this choice.
  7. Aim for least 3 to 4 exercise sessions per week in the beginning. Once you get into the habit of exercising, work up to 4 to 5 sessions per week (or more).
  8. Control your portions by eating low energy-density foods. For example, vegetables and fruits are packed with not only healthful vitamins and minerals, but also a lot of water, giving them a low energy density (i.e. more substance, fewer calories). They also tend to have a high fiber content, which is not only good for you, but also take longer to digest and make you feel full for longer.
  9. Drink more water. Water is a major player in weight control. Besides being a major part of your body, water helps flush metabolic wastes keeping your metabolism charged. It can also help you feel fuller, so don't wait until you feel thirsty. Start by drinking at least a half-gallon (2 liters) of water every day. People who are active, live in hot climates, experience fluid loss through fever or diarrhea, etc. should increase their intake.
  10. Eat more fiber. A high-fiber diet can improve bowel health, lower blood cholesterol, control your blood-sugar level, and make you less likely to overeat. The recommended fiber intake is 30 grams a day for men and 21 for women; after the age of 50, this jumps up to 38 for men and 25 for women. Some good sources of fiber include fruits and vegetables (with the skin), whole grains, and legumes. One way to start is instead of drinking orange juice for breakfast, eat an orange; it will make you feel fuller.
  11. Get a full night’s sleep. Adults should sleep 7 to 9 hours every night; school-aged children should sleep 10 to 11. One study conducted by The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition demonstrated that men who had 4 hours of sleep consumed 500 more calories than they did after having 8 hours of sleep. Be careful not to oversleep, however, as this has also been associated with weight gain.
  12. Make lifestyle changes. In addition to making large gestures, change your approach to the everyday stuff to make your new habits stick. Park farther away from the store, take the stairs instead of the elevator, or garden more frequently to sneak a little extra movement into your day. Instead of eating distractedly in front of the computer or TV, which promotes mindless overeating, set time aside to slowly enjoy each meal.

Be Healthy Guys!

Air Pollution Affecting Our Health in Surprising Ways, New Studies Reveal

Making the connection between air pollution and respiratory illnesses is fairly straightforward. After all, breathing polluted air into the lungs is a cut-and-dry process, and it’s easy to see how it can compromise the health of your respiratory system. Similarly, it’s fairly simple to see how air pollution could be connected to problems involving the bloodstream, since pollutants enter it through the respiratory system. However, two new studies show links between air pollution and two surprising conditions that are sure to leave you scratching your head: appendicitis and ear infections.
As Francine Laden of the Harvard School of Public Health has noted, possible connections between air pollution and a bevy of common conditions are being explored every day. This is largely due to increasing public concern and awareness about the dangers of breathing in impure air. Indoor air quality has become a chief concern of people around the world, and these two studies serve to highlight its importance. Although these studies do not make concrete connections between air pollution and appendicitis and ear infections, they do suggest possible links and should be taken very seriously. If you’re concerned about your own health and that of your family, read on to learn more.

Staying Healthy, No Matter Where You Live

Unfortunately, air pollution is a fact of life for everyone, no matter where they live. Staying indoors does nothing to prevent the issue, since indoor air pollution is rampant. How can you keep your family healthy and help lessen their chances of developing appendicitis, ear infections and many different respiratory ailments? HEPA air purifiers are one great way. A HEPA air purifier can filter up to 99.97% of airborne pollutants from the air in your home, making breathing much easier and healthier for everyone in it.
Clean Air Plus understands the importance of breathing clean, pure air. That’s why we stock and supply the best HEPA air purifiers available from IQAir, Austin Air and Amaircare. Protect yourself and your family with a topnotch HEPA air purifier from Clean Air Plus.